But when it comes down to it emergencies do not happen that often. A vast majority of the time everything works out and the bark is a lot worse then the bite. This is why I really have trouble figuring out why people are always so worried. Things work out 99% of the time, you can not live life waiting for the 1%, you need to live life expecting everything will be fine.
"you can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you just might fine you will get what you need"
ReplyDeleteI gotta tell you, I used to feel the same way, but I had an incident.
My first year teaching, I was coming home from chaperoning the junior prom, it was raining and there was a fatal accident on the Taconic Parkway. We had waited for over two hours for the police to clear the accident.
Well, during that time, my car battery had died. The Yankees were playing the Twins and I HAD to listen on the radio. I did not own a cell phone (you know how I feel about cell phones). I was stuck while the traffic was moving forward. Numbers of cars passed me by, including those of Hrlihy and Penner-Walker.
After about 20 minutes, some long-haired dude named Pygmalion was nice enough to pull over and give me a jump start.... at 1:30 in the morning!!!!
What did I do the next morning/afternoon. Went out and bought a cell phone. I still hate it, but that is not the lesson of the story.
Point is.....be prepared for the emergency, because if you aren't prepared when it happens, they may not be a long haired freak / guardian angel there to bail you out.