Thursday, December 31, 2009

Twas the night before 2010

Most of the time new year's eve is a disappointment. But this is strange because most holidays work out strangley better then anticipated. Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are always a good time to get off work/school for a couple of days (minus my current retail situation) and spend some time catching up time with the extended family. Although I am never too excited about this it ends up being fun. New Years eve and Halloween are usually disappointments though. This is because friends rock and the idea of a holiday devoted to hanging out and hedonist activities seems rockin.' People trying to make awesome plans also end up splitting up and having prom-like drama.

Their is also a lot of thought that goes into halloween and new year's eve. Costumes and resolutions are painful things to think about (more so costumes because everyone know resolutions will not make it past Februrary 28th.) But this year, like every year I have thought about resolutions that I could make and became confused because I realized if I was not doing it already its probablly because I do not think its really necessary and why should I do something to "better myself" if it is not going to really make me any happier? Should I work hard to try and do something that might make me happy if I am already happy now.

So other then thinking I should be more active, read more, get a job, move out and blog more I do not have a resolution. Those are things I always think about and I do them when necessary.

I wonder how many people will be at the gym tomorrow? Not most people I know who will spend the first half of the first day in 2010 hung over.

PS. This new years eve I will be at Michael Kesselman's house. It will rock harder then Led Zepplin, no matter what happens

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Questions from the Shack...

These are the most common statements that I hear while working at Radioshack (or as our friends call us "the Shack") in Peekskill, NY.

Radioshack is not what is used to be

This is usually said when we do not have some obscure piece that a customer is looking for. They usually say this whether or not the piece even exists

Wow, Batteries are expensive

Yes, most things you dont buy on a regular basis are more expensive then you think they should be and how you remember them

Speakay thee Spanish?

Poquito... I speak more spanish then 5/6 people at my store and today the only person who speaks spanish came back from his trip to Ecuador. I have apparantly been saying "Can you Help me?" instead of "Can I help you."

Where are your cables/wires?

You are going to have to be more specific.

Need to pay my boost bill.

Boost mobile rocks.

Do you have something to make my ipod play in the car? thats expensive.

Do you have any remote control cars?

Yes we have these remote control cars and these helicopters. They look...and leave.

Do you sell replacement Christmas lights?
No... no not new Christmas lights either

Do you have a 3V battery...its circular?

Yes, about 25 different kinds

If you don't have it where should I go?

Best Buy...who am I kidding, this is why the internet was created.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bud Light may be drinkable, but Billy Joel is Relate-able

Whenever I read a book, watch a movie, listen to a song, or even talk to someone I think the most important quality is for me to be able to relate. This does not necessarily mean that I need to agree or that I would have acted/thought the same thing; it means that I can understand why a decision was made and it seems rational to me (I think being rational is real important.)

People can relate to Billy Joel and this is why he is the greatest celebrity and he epitomizes the true American Dream.

When most people who happen to be on Billy Joel's wikipedia page are asked what makes him great they would probably say one of the following accomplishments:

-He has 33 top 40 hits
-He wrote all of his hit songs single-handedly (probably the only pop artist to do this in the 90's)
-He has hits in three decades (70s, 80s and 90s)
-He was once married to Christie Brinkley
-Their is a Broadway musical based soley on his music
-He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

These may be the reasons he is successful on paper but it is not why people love him and it is not why he is the most relate-able celebrity. Here is a list of reasons why I believe people love Billy Joel and why he is a true American:

-He was successful after not graduating high school
-He has been divorced three times but continues to fall head over heals in love
-He not only drinks heavily, but has three DWI's
-He was screwed over for the first few years of his career (Piano man) and was still able to stick it to the man and get famous/make money
-His lyrics are clear and understandable
-He talks about real issues (not da club)
-He is real with people
-He wanted to have sex with Christie Brinkley but made sure it was clear he is nothing like her

I love Billy Joel and the song the Entertainer and he is the most relatable to the masses. I obviously have a hedonistic view of the American dream.

Runners up are Kevin Smith and Chuck Klosterman...check them out.

Monday, December 28, 2009

On Blogging...

Whenever someone starts a hobby they always start off strong. They will not only do the new hobby; they talk about it, think about it, figure out how to do it better and pretty much obsess over it.

This usually lasts about 3 days - a month (examples: working out, writing, new book series or television show, keeping your car clean and mostly working out.) For me this was blogging.

The idea of keeping a blog is a lot of fun and i think about stuff to blog but i then think about how much people don't care or don't feel like figuring out how to write something...

I will blog at least two times a week for the next month and it is Dave's job to make sure I do it. Any ideas would rock. I looked at a couple of blogs that had lists...I can write a fucking list. So if you have ideas for lists thats cool too.

Final thought on blogging: awkward salmon

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Num lock

What the hell? I obviously want all the keys on my computer to work all the time. The idea of wanting to turn off the numbers does not even make sense. Never mind the fact that some computers boot up or are defaulted to have this off.

Why put a bunch of keys there that are really convienent if everytime I go to use them I have to turn them on...


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Getting People Sick

I don't do it...I have a serious grudge against that fact that people every year blame me because they get sick. I get sick/allergies every fall and spring just like every other person. Okay, maybe I get it two days before other people do so shoot me, but don't tell me that I got you sick.

In any given day people shake hands with a handful of people, share doorknobs with hundreds of people and share airspace with thousands. I did not get you sick. Not if you are my friend, my enemy, my boss, or anyone else. You got sick because a piece of bacteria is fighting against your system. Even if the piece of bacteria came from me (which I really don't think it did) you still should not blame me. I did nothing. I am being attacked by something that then attacked you. If someone shot John Doe and then came after me I would not blame John...I would make sure he was okay while tending to myself.

People get sick because its going to happen. It will happen whether or not they are friends with me or talk to me. All you people who blame me got sick when you were younger right? Zactly! Who did you blame then. Just deal with being sick and blame bad luck or the change in seasons.

Dean out!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


So I am thinking about halloween... and I have some ideas for costumes... suggestions, like or dislike the list...let me know. Especially since my last two Halloweens were weak.

1) Smurf

2) Dice

3) 3-Hole punched paper

IMG_1283.jpg image by thecleav

4) Bert or Ernie

5) Dwight

6) Twinkie the Kid -- would need some help and a yellow mat probably

7) Ghostbuster

Other ideas?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Things I love thursdays...

This is something that Megan does so I figured why not...This is some stuff I am digging this week...

-The Yankees are amazing (even though tonight is a little different.) Most importantly CC Sabathia is a best and love him or hate him A-rod has been performing (over .450 and five home runs in the playoffs)

-my job interview went really well last week (even though im pretty sure I did not get it)... still felt good

-Lost has been my new thing. I have gone through season 1 in a week. Season 2 is starting crazy but I am excited

-Seeing c-dawes, noonan and megan this weekend

-Probably Oneonta for Halloween (dont ask about details, idk)

-dinner with the fam tonight

-thinking about halloween costumes...ideas?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No no... You are inappropriate

I do a lot of things often. Things I do not do often include being embarrassed, conceding to defeat when I believe I am correct, not thinking about what I say to strangers and regretting decisions that I have made. I did all of these things tonight and it really makes me want to go back to that KFC and tell someone off.


Today I went to pick up KFC for Cameron (guy I work with) and myself. I was told that Cameron's food would take 3 minutes so I took the cup that I was given and got some Wild Cherry Pepsi. I had a few sips, refilled, had a few sips, refilled and capped it. The women standing behind me who was about a mom's age (my mom not my age and an infant's mom) said, "Excuse you know how inappropriate that is?" I was shocked and instantly felt bad. She explained that with swine flu and germs I should not drink out of a cup and put it back up to the fountain. I told her I have never thought of that and if it had occurred to me it was a problem I would not have done it. I felt awkward and out of place and wanted her to leave before the lecture continued. Then I spent the next half hour thinking about this.

I realized that not only did I do nothing wrong...but she was in fact the one who was inappropriate. How dare her lecture/confront me about doing something that is both allowed and in now way spreads germs. I should have told her that she was inappropriate for telling me what I was doing was wrong, not minding her own buisness, and watching too much bullshit news and being a hypochondriac.

I do not regret much...but she should have been slapped...or at least politely told she was mistaken.

Friday, October 9, 2009

SATs, GREs, Saturdays

I was on Facebook and Zara I Kick Ass Hickman had a status up about how much time until she needs to take her GRE's. Using my amazing mathematical ability and prior knowledge about these tests I realized that this means her test is on a Saturday.

Test and Saturday are two words that should never be used in the same sentence...

What the hell gives people the right to take away a kid or young adults Saturday. Education tests, GRE's and SAT's you are by far bogus. I remember waking up at 7am to drive to Connecticut to take a test when I was in eleventh grade and it is kind of ridiculous. I mean lets break it down...

52 Saturdays in a year
-12 (assuming you work about once a month)
-3 (spending time with the family because a holiday falls on that day)
-3 (other family gatherings, weddings, etc)

Okay so the math doesnt add up like I want but how many weekends can you really just chill. Monday-Friday is school shit, Saturday is supposed to be your day, Sunday is football/recovery/catch up on work. It just is not right to have a test that matters so much on a Saturday. I dont approve. You should be excused from class to take major tests and they should happen when school happens, Monday-Friday.

AND Obama wants to lengthen the school year/school day. Kids should get recess play with blocks and live their lives.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, and I wont ruin the surprise

So last night my plan was to go home and not do anything. Partially because I need to stop spending money and get stuff done involving applications and my house and partially because half my friends were cut out of the picture because they were seeing Zombieland. I do not think I had ever even paid attention to a full add because the idea of this movie seemed so incredibly stupid.

Even going into the movie I was saying that I would not enjoy the movie and now it is all I can think about. I don't want to necessarily say it was good, but I can't say it was bad. It was definitely one of the most ridiculous movies I have ever seen. It had a great cast and the begining was a little to ridiculous but it really did have a plot. Their was some decent stuff. I just want to see it again to decide if it was good. I definitely recommend checking it out.

"Nut up or Shut up"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

United States Postal Service

Dear Postal Customer:

The enclosed has been damaged in handling in the Postal Service. The United States Postal Service is constantly striving to prevent damage to mail. However, there are instances where mail is received improperly packaged or sealed. When this happens some damage may occur due to the mechanized equipment required to process the enormous mail volume. I sincerely regret the damage to your mail and any inconvenience which may have resulted.

Plant Manager

First of all... when I was at the post office this morning I was thinking about how spot on the postal service is. Think about everywhere you go and everything you do (college offices, retail locations, supermarket, cell phone companies) it all gets messed up sometimes. You deal with a line, someone who doesn't know what they are talking about and you leave unsatisfied or satisfied after talking to 6 people. But the post office does not fuck up.

I was obviously wrong when I got home and received this letter but I thought about how rare it happens. So I have seen this thing once, and my mom never has. Together we have probably recieved about 65,453,444 pieces of mail and mistakes are so freaking rare but whats even funnier is what piece of mail was ripped in half (only half was delivered.)

It was a notification that the Oneonta Alumni have an event in NYC. Why is the plant manager sorry I missed that?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Old Friends, New Friends, Red Friends, Blue Friends

I can not believe how many people have called me or sent me messages because they read my blog so why not. Its pretty cool seeing that I like people and everything. Maybe this will also make red friends or blue friends.

Also two other people have started blogs so hit up and

Right now the Jets are owning so that is always good... and the Giants are 3-0 also (its a good year for teams who say they are from NY but are really from NJ.) Applying to jobs so I can get in the 9-5 grind and actually watch some more games.

Two questions I would like to pose, one with some backstory:

1) So the other day I went with some friends to a trapeze event and an 8 year old girl missed. Everyone ended up giving her another shot and she grabbed it. Thunderous applause while Dan could only call it ageism. So is ageism good/bad? Should we keep kids happy so they can be happy at some point or just have them "prepared for a life full of lies and failing relationships"?

2) Does anyone put their wallet in the back left pocket...cause I do and everyone else seems to think right is the way to go.

Get at me at blog ideas, and keep reading cause it might get better and what else are you doing...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Here, not there

I stayed in tonight because I had a pretty stressful night. It was relaxing but I wish the stress had ended a little earlier or I could sleep in tomorrow. Hope jobs call me at some point in life.

On the plus side I see Eddie tomorrow and Dawes on Sunday so life is good.

"Sometimes your flush and sometimes your bust. When you up its never as good as it seems and when your down you think you will never be up again but life goes on."

On the more amusing note I am only 17 pages into Chuck Klosterman's book Downtown Owl and I am starting to enjoy it. Unfortunately I am getting to sleepy when I read but the idea of how an older man, a 23 year old teacher and a high school football quarterback all relate in a hometown should be good - also his first work of fiction. I do think it is crazy that getting high has already came up twice. You think your environment is normalcy and damn is Chuck Klosterman around a lot of weed.

As long as he is successful and not politically lobbying for or against it he really is not hurting anyone. Right on Mr. Klosterman write stories about your life that aren't PC.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who is the main character on The Office?

This question seems like a pretty reasonable one. Their is a television show that is going into its 6th popular season so it should be apparent by now who the main character(s) is/are, but really it isn't. I started talking to Dan yesterday about this at the infamous diner and it led into today talking to Jay and we got three very distinct answers. I am going to try and explain all of these answers so we can figure out which makes the most sense...

Steve Carrel/Michael Scott:

One: the British version of the show was centered around this character because he was a creator of the show.
Two:Michael Scott has the advantage of being played by the only actor who was at all famous before the Office
Three: Steve Carrel was nominated for the Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy series.
Four: Many people believe the humor is based off of Michaels character

John Krasinski/Jim Halpert

One: He is the character that develops throughout the show and has the most involved personal life
Two: The character that you are most likely to relate too
Three: Part of the main romantic relationship

ChaCha's answer was: Jim, Michael, Pam and Dwight **If you don't know ChaCha is a free service that will answer any question that is asked through a text message, only standard text messaging rates apply. 1-800-224-2242**

This answer did not make sense to me at first but then I remembered why I thought Jim Halpert was the main character. It is because I feel that the best type of entertainment is entertainment that I can relate to. I can relate to him because he is always making sure everyone around him knows what ridiculous things are going on and is always thinking about awkward situations. This is the same reason why I like the dialog from Thank You For Smoking at the Carnival...

Start at 8:40
"cause I am not after you...I am after them"

Once I realized the I like Jim because I can relate to him and I enjoy relating to characters I realized why Pam and Dwight could be equally main characters. A female looking for someone to relate to would clearly go to Pam and anyone who thinks that Cramer is the reason for Seinfeld's success or beliefs that ridiculous comedy is the key to The Office would have to go with Dwight.

So there you have it folks... I think about the Office way to much. Who do you think is the main character and why?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How I Got Here

So it is 2:54am and I have been thinking a lot about how I need a hobby and I do not think that blogging is the solution... but it IS 2:54am and I am mad about tonight so my options are limited. This blog will probably fade after 5 or 6 posts but that is what I thought when I first started tweeting and I enjoy that so much it inspired me to get here. I also posted the first Facebook note of my life in the last two weeks so this is almost inevitable. Although this may keep my attention I would really appreciate anyone with any ideas for other hobbies to come forward sooner rather then later (or job opportunities for that matter.)

So back to tonight and why I was enraged. I would like to preface the story by explaining that I understand I may be wrong but this is about more then just coffee and $1.30. My friend Dan came home this afternoon because his school was being evacuated (this world is unreal) and we wanted to hang out and not spend any money. For those of you out there living pretty much anywhere (especially suburbia) you realize that this is an almost impossible task because if you are anything like me most of your time is spent driving around in circles, at a food establishment, or doing some illicit activity that costs more then it should. We decided our solution would be to go to the Mohegan Diner and get a cup of coffee with some free refills and chill out.

The reason that this is about more then a coffee is because the Mohegan Diner is basically where we all grew up. We went to the diner after every theater show, school dance, bad night, good night, snow day and even prom. I have probably spent more money there then I made throughout my high school career. When I went away to college the diner changed and prices went up and we all realized life was different but some of my friends still go there and we enjoy ourselves.

At the least its free refills on coffee, or so I thought...

We had four cups of coffee each and kept getting harassed about buying some food. After the the fourth cup we realized we had overstayed our welcome and asked for the check. We were again asked if we wanted to order food and politely declined. We were then given a check with four coffees (as I thought might have happened after the third cup of coffee when we both got different cups) and this made me livid. As I told this story to people and write it down I realize that I am wrong on paper. I got two free cups of coffee but as I said that isn't the point.

If I can not go to my diner and grab a few cups of coffee for the price of one what is this world coming to? And why do I not have anywhere else to go?

Feedback is appreciated...