Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who is the main character on The Office?

This question seems like a pretty reasonable one. Their is a television show that is going into its 6th popular season so it should be apparent by now who the main character(s) is/are, but really it isn't. I started talking to Dan yesterday about this at the infamous diner and it led into today talking to Jay and we got three very distinct answers. I am going to try and explain all of these answers so we can figure out which makes the most sense...

Steve Carrel/Michael Scott:

One: the British version of the show was centered around this character because he was a creator of the show.
Two:Michael Scott has the advantage of being played by the only actor who was at all famous before the Office
Three: Steve Carrel was nominated for the Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy series.
Four: Many people believe the humor is based off of Michaels character

John Krasinski/Jim Halpert

One: He is the character that develops throughout the show and has the most involved personal life
Two: The character that you are most likely to relate too
Three: Part of the main romantic relationship

ChaCha's answer was: Jim, Michael, Pam and Dwight **If you don't know ChaCha is a free service that will answer any question that is asked through a text message, only standard text messaging rates apply. 1-800-224-2242**

This answer did not make sense to me at first but then I remembered why I thought Jim Halpert was the main character. It is because I feel that the best type of entertainment is entertainment that I can relate to. I can relate to him because he is always making sure everyone around him knows what ridiculous things are going on and is always thinking about awkward situations. This is the same reason why I like the dialog from Thank You For Smoking at the Carnival...

Start at 8:40
"cause I am not after you...I am after them"

Once I realized the I like Jim because I can relate to him and I enjoy relating to characters I realized why Pam and Dwight could be equally main characters. A female looking for someone to relate to would clearly go to Pam and anyone who thinks that Cramer is the reason for Seinfeld's success or beliefs that ridiculous comedy is the key to The Office would have to go with Dwight.

So there you have it folks... I think about the Office way to much. Who do you think is the main character and why?


  1. i'm gonna go with michael. what ridiculous happenings would jim have to point out if michael wasnt around?

  2. the office U.K is about to start on Cartoon Networks adult swim. I'm Interested in watching it, i have never seen the u.s version with Steve Carell and receive a lot of shit for it. I love you dean
