Most of the time new year's eve is a disappointment. But this is strange because most holidays work out strangley better then anticipated. Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are always a good time to get off work/school for a couple of days (minus my current retail situation) and spend some time catching up time with the extended family. Although I am never too excited about this it ends up being fun. New Years eve and Halloween are usually disappointments though. This is because friends rock and the idea of a holiday devoted to hanging out and hedonist activities seems rockin.' People trying to make awesome plans also end up splitting up and having prom-like drama.
Their is also a lot of thought that goes into halloween and new year's eve. Costumes and resolutions are painful things to think about (more so costumes because everyone know resolutions will not make it past Februrary 28th.) But this year, like every year I have thought about resolutions that I could make and became confused because I realized if I was not doing it already its probablly because I do not think its really necessary and why should I do something to "better myself" if it is not going to really make me any happier? Should I work hard to try and do something that might make me happy if I am already happy now.
So other then thinking I should be more active, read more, get a job, move out and blog more I do not have a resolution. Those are things I always think about and I do them when necessary.
I wonder how many people will be at the gym tomorrow? Not most people I know who will spend the first half of the first day in 2010 hung over.
PS. This new years eve I will be at Michael Kesselman's house. It will rock harder then Led Zepplin, no matter what happens
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