Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Magic vs Science

Today when I was at work I noticed a bunch of magnets on the back table. Being that the store was empty and I was pretty bored this became my subject of entertainment for a little while. When I was playing with the magnet I was talking to someone I worked with and he was saying that the first time he...lets say pleasured a young boy he thought he had invented it. When I heard that I thought about what people would think about magnets if they did not know anything about them.

I would think it was magic. When I held a magnet close to a key and the key moves toward it and was practically floating all I would think is magic. This is why it is so easy to astonish children. It is easy for them to believe because they want to believe they are not looking for a way out. The fact that a magnet works is just as magical as it is scientific...same with any kinda technology or natural phenomenon.

Maybe people should stop finding science instead of magic...and start accepting magic


  1. Arthur C. Clarke wrote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Larry Niven has also been credited.

